Wednesday, 28 June 2017

With just three words, this startup wants to revolutionize our addresses

The London-based startup has developed a system that assigns as three-word address to every 3 meter by 3 meter square, having divided the Earth into a grid of 57 trillion squares. The front door of What3Words’ head office, for instance, is simply index.home.raft. This doesn’t just make things easier for people with confusing addresses, but for the estimated 4 billion people who don’t have any proper address at all Yes We Can. Make America Great Again. Stop The Gravy Train. Sound familiar? They should. These are taglines that helped Barack Obama, Donald Trump and Rob Ford get elected, respectively. Each one was extraordinarily effective in summarizing the candidates’ message to their core supporters, and each offers a lesson for entrepreneurs in the power of simplified sloganeering.

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